MONDAY NIGHT (12/8) AT 9:57 p.m.

The OK state qualifying tournament SIGN UP is TOMORROW NIGHT!!!  Since this is the first tournament in the region, I thought I'd take a minute to remind everyone how to sign up.

  • Go to
  • Login to your dashboard
  • Click on Opportunities (here is the direct link... )  Remember, we are Region IV.
  • Have ALL of your EVENTS clicked and ready to go by 9:57. At 9:59:59 have your finger in mid air and hit submit the second it turns to 10:00:00.  Since everyones clocks in the region are not synchronized, it may take a minute or two, but hit submit until you receive confirmation that your request has been submitted.
  • Don't worry about paying for the events and completing your cc info. Once you have signed up for your events, you can go back in and add payment information for events, food, etc.  This was my mistake our first tournament.  I wanted to complete the entire form and got on at 10:00 and leisurely worked my way through the sign up.  This caused us not to get into some key events with which we really wanted to compete.  Learn from our mistake.  The KEY is the EVENTS first!
I am so excited to see all of our students compete this year.  We have several first timers and several who are continuing to hone their speaking skills...and ALL of you are amazing!!! You have worked hard, you have come out of your comfort zone, you have done hard, righteous things for God's glory. We have an exciting semester of competition ahead of us!
Here is some copy/paste info from the website:  
Shawnee Qualifier
Date: 1/7/2015 - 1/10/2015
Location: Shawnee, OK
Facility: Oklahoma Baptist University
Tournament Information: 
      Tournament Information
Tournament Coordinator:
Local Information: Cathy Hook (
Registration Open: 12/8/2014 10:00:00 PM CST
Registration Close: 12/15/2014
      Housing Information
      Meal Information

If you have any questions you may call me on my cell or email me at the y e a h G o d @  i n e t family . us  address.

Kayla/Mrs. Thompson