Code of Conduct

PARENTS:  We expect parents to encourage their children to show respect and obedience towards all authorities and honor towards all of their peers. In addition, we want to encourage parents to praise your student(s) growth as they push themselves to excel, lead, and serve, and to remember this is the beginning of building a life-long skill to be used for God’s glory.

COACHES/TEACHERS:  We expect all coaches and teachers to create a safe and encouraging environment for the students.  The highest emphasis is to encourage students grow and improve their skills to engage the world around them for the Lord.

STUDENTS:  We expect students to:
·         Obey and respect parents, teachers, coaches, and EPIKOS staff.
·         Behave in a Christ-honoring manner.
·         Not participate in the usage of tobacco, consumption of alcoholic beverages, and possession of weapons of any kind to any EPIKOS or NCFCA activity.
·         Refrain from using electronic devices (including but not limited to ipads, phones, video games, etc.) during class, unless direct by the teacher/coach.  Furthermore, students may only access the internet if they have permission from both their parent and the coach/teacher.
·         Fully invest themselves in the class(es) to which they have committed.  This includes consistent attendance, arriving promptly, diligently completing homework, and participating in class activities and discussions.
·         Student Dress: Students shall maintain modest dress at all times.  This includes:
·         Appropriate length shirts (no bare midriff when hands are raised)
·         Modest necklines (No visible undergarments or straps)
·         Shorts, dresses, or skirts should come to the top of the knee
·         Use discretion when wearing shirts with logos or graphics so as not to offend your brother.
·         Students may come to class in casual dress, unless “tournament dress” is specifically requested by the teacher/coach.  For tournament dress guidelines, please go to  
·         If a student’s dress is in question, please communicate with the teacher/coach or a member of the EPIKOS board.  We reserve the right to request the student to practice honor by changing their dress.


We desire to create an environment where both genders can come and feel comfortable with their brothers and sisters in Christ free from the pressures of the world.  Students will treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, remembering to outdo one another with honor, and avoid inappropriate partiality.  Friendly interaction amongst all students involved is expected and encouraged.  We discourage the pursuit of “romantic” relationships or “public displays of affection” at any time during sponsored EPIKOS or NCFCA events.