• The world of Speech and Debate is new to me.  Where should I start?
    • You are in the right spot.  Click around the Speech &; Debate tabs.  You will find written, and in some cases video, descriptions of each type of event.  There is a learning curve. We are here to walk you through every step of the way.
  • What's the difference between EPIKOS and NCFCA?
    • EPIKOS is our debate club.  Students who join the club come together to learn in various class settings some of the speech and debate disciplines.  NCFCA is the National Christian Forensics Communication Association.  This is the organization where students who take our classes can go to exercise their skills and compete with students across the country.
  • If I join the club and take classes, do I have to compete?
    • No.  The classes are designed to prepare students for the world of competitive forensics.  However, our classes provide the opportunity to learn to think critically, logically dissect an argument, and construct a cohesive speech for public delivery in a fun, encouraging atmosphere.  These are skills that every person will need in their lifetime. So competition isn't required, yet it is highly encouraged as we want to assist your student in sharpening their skills. Moreover, we want you to feel welcome.  If you decide just to take classes for now...that's great!  
  • Why do we have club membership fees?
    • The club membership fees are used for administration costs, fees to pay our host facility, fellowship gatherings, insurance, etc.  Our board members work diligently to use these resources in a fiscally responsible and frugal way.
  • I'm not taking any EPIKOS classes, but intend to compete with NCFCA.  Do I still need to pay club dues?
    • If you intend to compete with NCFCA and list EPIKOS as your affiliated club, then membership dues are required.  There are various reasons for this.  The club membership fees are used for administration costs, fees to pay our host facility, fellowship gatherings, insurance, etc.  Our board members work diligently to use these resources in a fiscally responsible and frugal way.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to email Kayla Thompson at 
y e a h G o d @ i n e t f a m i l y. u s (no spaces)