On your mark....Get Set...

Hello Speakers & Debaters!
The new school year is upon us.  Classes begin one week from today!  Please review the class schedule so you will know when to arrive.  Kayla will be there to collect any class and/or club fees, answer your questions, and greet you with a welcoming smile. :)  PLEASE NOTE:  Due to a scheduling conflict, Apologetics class will NOT meet this week, but will begin on September 18.  We are excited about the new year, new speakers, and new opportunities to learn to grow in confidence.  See you at Memorial Road Church of Christ ONE WEEK from today! Blessings!

Intro. to Speech - Shauna McGee
Advanced Speech - Mr. Dave Ross

1:00 – 2:00 Impromptu Speaking - Mr. Dave Ross
2:00 – 3:30
LD Debate –  Mr. Dave Ross
TP Debate – Mason Hook

3:30 – 5:00 Apologetics – Kyle McCarty

*Interpretive Coaching will be from 2:00-5:00 with individual or team coaching on a scheduled basis – Kayla Thompson  (Mrs. Thompson will contact her students individually to determine the best time for your coaching session.)