Thank you - Lost Binder & Book - T-shirts

Hi EPIKOS Families,

Thank you all so much for the wonderful food, fun, and fellowship at the Christmas party!  We missed those that couldn't make it.  Wishing you all a blessed Christmas!

Ethan Wedel is missing his white binder & The True Story of Three Little Pigs book.  He was visiting our classes and believes he left them at the church.  We are not for sure if they were left in the building where classes are held or where we had the Christmas party.  They have not been found at the church.  If you happened to pick them up please contact Eric or Tracy Wedel at 501-412-8199.  Thanks!

T-shirts were handed out at the party.  Thank you to Kayla Thompson for the awesome design!!  If you did not receive yours please email me at r o g b e c k b @g m a i l.c o m (no spaces).

Becky Brittain