Exciting things are happening!

Hello! I sure have missed seeing you each week! Exciting things are happening this semester, and I'd like to take a minute to communicate.

1) The Shawnee Tournament was a big success!  EPIKOS speech & debate students made a huge impact.  Several students competed for the first time, several students continued to hone their speaking/debating skills, and a few placed and qualified for regional tournaments.  WAY TO GO!!!  In addition, we welcomed our Texas competitors and represented Oklahoma well by being the friendly, hospitable folks that we are.  THANK YOU!!! We are so grateful to OBU for hosting our tournament.  What a great facility and staff!

2)  Continuing your competition season...Please check the NCFCA website to learn more about upcoming tournaments.  The next tournament is in Frisco, TX.  There will be another opportunity in March at the Wylie, TX tournament.  If you have any questions or would like to see if others are interested in carpooling/hotel sharing, etc., please post a message on our facebook page to fellow members.

3) We are considering a booth at the upcoming OCHEC Homeschool Convention the first week in May.  If you have any ideas or resources, we'd love to hear from you.  Email or send a pm on Facebook to Kayla Thompson.

4) Regionals... This competition season, we have the wonderful opportunity to host the Region IV (that's us) Regional Tournament.  This is the competition for the top-qualifying students in each event to compete against other top-qualifiers in the region.  This tournament will be held in our own backyard at Oklahoma Christian University; right here in Edmond, OK!  What a blessing!  We will need ALL hands on deck to make this tournament a success.  Here are ways you can help:

  1. PRAY.  Preparing for a tournament is a huge endeavor.  Please pray for the students as they prepare, for the NCFCA regional representatives as they work diligently (and VOLUNTARILY) to coordinate all of the details, for community judges to respond to the requests, for safe travel for families across our region, for effective communication, and for the Lord's favor as we seek to please Him, and only Him.  
  2. Help in Judge Hospitality.  We will be responsible for making 9 meals to serve to our community judges.  If you have ever dreamed of being a caterer, you have your grandmother's famous recipe that feeds hundreds, or you just simply possess the JOY of cooking, please call/email/fb Kayla.
  3. Recruit Judges.  This is pretty simple.  Tell everyone you know that we would love for them to come judge a round or two of speech and/or debate.  NO QUALIFICATIONS necessary.  We need normal people, from all walks of life!  
  4. Consider your homeschool buddies.  You probably know several people in your homeschool circles or email loops who would consider involving their students in speech and debate events.  This is an INCREDIBLE opportunity for them to come right up to the front of the line and see first hand what NCFCA has to offer.  Please help us get the word out.  We'd love to have them come, judge, ask questions, etc.  
It has been a blessing journeying with you this year.  If you have any questions, need more information, or would like a coffee date, please feel free to call or email me!  

YOU are a blessing!  
Kayla :)