2 days...

It's almost here...

Hopefully you have readied yourself with:

  1. tournament clothes (and coat & umbrella)
  2. reviewed the tournament schedule
  3. confirmed your events
  4. checked and double checked the speech and script submission requirements 
  5. Made or purchased meal plans
  6. reviewed the check in process
  7. recruited community judges
  8. Scheduled yourself to arrive at 6:30 PM, Wednesday
  9. Prayed...and continue to pray.  For wellness, for calm nerves, for safe travel, for judges, for God's will.
Please continue to recruit any one you know to come serve as a community judge. Some employers are willing to allow their employees off work for community service.  It doesn't hurt to ask.  Every community judge I have ever encountered have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of serving this up and coming generation of amazing students.  Have you heard the quotation, "Many hands make light work."?  This definitely applies to a tournament.  It takes all of us.  :)  

If you have any questions, please do not respond to this email, simply email Kayla at y ea h G o d@ i n e t fa m i l y. us (remove the spaces) or call me.