5 days...

Hey there Speakers & Debaters!

We are 5 days away from the OK Shawnee Qualifier.  My desire is for these emails to help successfully equip you for the upcoming tournament.  Hopefully you have readied yourself with tournament clothes, reviewed the schedule, confirmed your events, and double checked the script submissions requirements page.  If not, please review the last post, log into your dashboard on the www.ncfca.org website and get to reading! :)

Today I'd like like to talk about meals, script submissions (yes, they are so important that we need to talk about them twice!), the check-in process, and a few loose ends.

1) Meals:  OBU requires that we utilize their contracted food provider.  What a blessing! In the past, some very talented women have cooked and served and served and cooked for 3 days straight!  This year, we are blessed to be served by the staff at OBU through their cafeteria. While some families pack breakfast, lunch, & dinner for their kiddos each day, others opt to purchase the meal plan.  In the past we have done both. This year our family is purchasing the meal plan.  EITHER WAY is fine!!  If you are purchasing the meal plan, then PLEASE make sure you look at the registration and meal confirmation lists posted to the NCFCA website. Double check the events for which you are registered. Any final changes to your registration need to be communicated to the NCFCA Registrar (Registrar@NCFCA.org) immediately. Changes at this point are difficult, but it is best to process them as soon as possible. In addition, please bring a labeled water bottle for your student to refill.  This will assist in keeping your cost down, and reducing the amount of trash we produce. :)

 2) Script Submissions: NCFCA requires that each script (speech) follow a standard for format submission. The submission format for each different type of speech/interp has a checklist.  Please print this checklist now, double check your script (speech) to insure it follows the guidelines.  Sign it and paper clip it with your speech and other required documents. At our first tournament several years ago  I didn't even realize that this needed to be done, so I was running around like a mad woman!  Trying to help you out here! I love that we can go the website, print out the checklist, and ease the check in process for ourselves (and others!).  The checklists can be found on your NCFCA Dashboard under “Resources”, click on IE Resources).  

3) Check In: WEDNESDAY NIGHT...7:30 PM Mandatory Check in/Script Submission There are three stations for check in: Event Check-In, Interp Script Submission, and Platform Script Submission. You do not have to proceed through the stations in any certain order, but make sure that you go through the line at each station that applies to you.  Parents and approved chaperons must sign in with their competitors. Adults, if you are chaperoning students other than your own students, make sure you have a signed medical release form with you at Check-In. You can find standarized medical release forms with a quick google search.  Just complete it as it applies to you and have all appropriate parties sign it.  You will be required to show it as you sign in with the students in your care. If this form is not present, the chaperoned student will not be allowed to sign in or compete.  There is mandatory parent and student orientation just PRIOR to check-in.  These orientations are valuable because they help communicate the flow of the weekend, provide an opportunity to ask questions, and set expectations. 6:30 PM Mandatory Orientation for Students and Parents The orientation will be in Raley Chapel in the Yarborough Auditorium.  Helpful campus maps and complete directions to the campus may be found here.  NCFCA parking will be in the Noble center to the west of Raley Chapel.  Parking at the Bailey Business Center is reserved for Community Judges.

A Few Loose Ends: 
  1. I understand that we are in need of volunteers to help in the Judge’s Hospitality area, please click here to sign up. 
  2. In addition, we NEED community judges. Of course each of us will be judging rounds, but we need folks from our community to round out the value that our students receive in their ballots. Call your parents, email your Sunday School class, friend your 10th grade English teacher on fb and ask her, ask your business associates! ANYONE in our community can be a community judge. I have NEVER met a community judge who volunteered their time who didn't walk away blessed. Please ask!! They can sign up at www.NCFCAJudges.com
  3. The weather for Saturday is forecasted to be cold and rain. Since we are using several buildings on campus, it would be wise to bring an umbrella and appropriate coat. 
  4. Pray. As we go into the last few days, when practice and memorization should be a top priority, we have several students battling sickness. Let's pray for them. Scott and I have been praying for each of our EPIKOS families and their students. Let's agree to pray together together for good health, calmed nerves, and safe travels for all of those families traveling from Texas.
WHEW! I know that's a lot!  The intention is not to overwhelm you, it is rather to simply equip you with the information that will help things run smoothly.  If you have any questions, please do not respond to this email, simply email Kayla at y ea h G o d@ i n e t fa m i l y. us (remove the spaces) or call me.